On top of this, Im like the Princess and the Pea when Im in bed. Unless Im drinking, the only place I will ever have a really good nights sleep is my own rickety single bed. When I sleep at his place its always a coin toss whether I'll actually get a couple of hours of real sleep or if I'll just have a short doze and then resume tossing and turning and listening to him snore. Which is exactly what happened to me on Saturday night when I stayed over. I was a little irritated that he started falling asleep at half past eleven, so I got huffy and turned the television off at midnight (on a Saturday) since apparently it was bedtime, and proceeded to toss and turn and listen to him snore. His bed is the size between a single and a double, and neither of us are tiny people so we fight for space on the bed. Before he rearranged his furniture, my side of the bed was against the wall, where I was pressed while he slept in the middle of the bed. Now his side is against the wall, but now Im hanging off the bed while he sleeps in the middle. So I tend to be grateful when he wakes up early in the morning and goes upstairs to watch television so that I can have a couple of hours to spread out and maybe get a comfortable few hours of sleep.
Just because Im grateful for this does not mean that I will be at all pleasant when he comes back downstairs an hour or two later to wake me up wanting to poke me. This will inevitably lead to me being pissed off and him being sooky, and just because Im a people pleaser does not mean that I dont resent myself when I go into "anything to make him happy" mode. It does not leave me fulfilled. Yes, we fought Sunday morning.
But, we got over that fight, and I chose not to start another one when he gave me a not-very-believable answer to a particular question I had. Whether it comes up again at a later date I cant say, but its filed away nonetheless. Dont fret though, Internet, we fought again before he took me home, and there were tears during the drive home, but luckily I had good friends waiting for me online with whom I could bitch to (its extra fun when other people have the exact same fights as you do), at least for an hour until he called to apologize. Its not as fun to bitch about him when he's after apologizing.
I should probably attempt to sleep now since I have to be awake again in four hours. Dont worry, I've already prepared Mother that I plan to be cranky.