its all a beautiful blur

{Friday, May 28} CRASH!!!
So I had a car accident yesterday. I was driving to work and a truck came from my left and blew a yield sign and I hit him, pretty much destroying my car. Pretty much as soon as it happened the cops and ambulance were there, both happened to be driving around and came upon the accident. The paramedics got me out of the car and strapped me to a flat board, completely immobilizing my head and upper body (but not my arms), and hauled me into the ambulance. The cop only took a brief statement from me, pretty much just my name, address, and what happened and then he went to take statements from witnesses and whatnot.

For anyone reading who doesnt know me, Im prone to motion sickness if I cannot see where I am going. Like, I cannot travel in a car with my head down, I have to look ahead, and I cannot sleep in a moving vehicle. So by the time they get me in the ambulance, I know full well that Im probably going to get sick. But I made it to the hospital without getting sick (shock) and they wheeled me into the ER and nurses started fussing about getting information and my health card to get me registered. And I had to give them my mother's number at work so that she could be contacted and whatnot. It didnt take very long for my parents to get to the hospital, now its time to wait for a doctor.

The nurses called my family doctor, but he was not in his office, so they tried to page him with no success. They called another doctor, who they thought was on call, but actually wasnt, so he could not come over. Then there was the doctor who was Chief of Staff at the hospital, who was making rounds, and was standing outside my room, but would not come in and see me. I ended up waiting over two hours before my family doctor made it to the hospital. Keep in mind that I spend this time strapped to the flat board, with my head not only immobilized, but tilted up. It felt like I was laying upside down. I could move my arms and legs, but that was it. I dont think I need to say how cranky I was.

I know there was nothing that the nurses could do, they couldnt take all the stuff of me until they could x-ray my neck and spine and make sure they werent broken. I was pissed off because the goddamned Chief of Staff wouldnt come in and see me so I could at least sit up. Nonetheless, sometime around 3pm my family doctor came in and talked to me to make sure I could move my arms and legs, as well as see and hear him, and talk. Done and done. Then he asked me where it hurt. I told him that so far, it was my left shoulder and just below my right knee. So he poked at my collarbone and my knees for a few minutes and then he ordered the x-rays.

After about a half hour the nurses came in to wheel me from the ER into the x-ray lab. Keep in mind I've been immobilized (and felt like I was laying upside down) for over two and a half hours. I politely said to the nurses "can you please walk slowly, I'll get sick". The nurse responded with "oh just close your eyes".

I did what she said. They did not go slowly. I got sick.

As soon as they parked me in the x-ray lab I knew it was coming, I told the x-ray tech that I was nauseous and she ran and got the nurses back while I proceeded to throw up (three times, on an empty stomach, impressive) all over myself. Now, because I cannot move my head, Im literally throwing up all over myself. The nurses kind of stood around saying "what do we do? what do we do?" because they couldnt move me. I had vomit all over my mouth and hands, all under the neck brace, and all in my hair. It was lovely.

They took the first x-ray of my neck and rushed it to my doctor who gave the okay to take the contraption off of my head. Man that felt good. I was still light-headed and dizzy, but at least I could move around. They finished taking the rest of the x-rays and wheeled me back into the room. My doctor had gone over to his office to see the patients that were in the waiting room and I napped because my mom had to go home and get some stuff done.

Mom and my brother came back around 5pm and the doctor came back just then to look at the x-rays. The first rib under my collarbone on my left side is fractured from the seat belt, but that was the only broken bone. The rest of the injuries are soft tissue injuries, which hurt more than I could have ever imagined.

I found it hard to sleep last night because I just couldnt get comfortable. I woke up early too, not fun. It is difficult to wash my hair, or to even lift my arms up above my shoulders. I mind it to pick things up using my left arm especially, because of the shoulder injury. Im going to be off of work for at least a week. I'll see how I feel after a week and then decide how I feel. On a plus side, I have enough pain killers to last me a month. But, I still feel pain...

{Tuesday, May 25} Gah.
Four posts in just over twenty-four hours, holy posting frenzy Batman.

Im at work, lonely and bored. Tuesdays are the days where everyone around me goes home early. So once I exhaust all of my internet reads, there's nothing to do. I mean, who wants to talk to the customers? They're stupid. I only have two hours left though, kickass. The number of calls waiting just keeps climbing though, I hate that. My last two hours will be busy hours. But dial is over at the end of this week, they wont have anywhere to flip us after that. Sweet :)

Oh, and why do we now have to title our posts if the titles dont show up on the blog itself?

lamb of god?
Long before I had a Blog, I had a website that I would post different ideas and thoughts that I would have. I was reading some of that stuff today, stuff going back more than three years. Im going to post here something that I had there, I may post more another day.

marilyn manson made a point in an interview on muchmusic that jesus christ can be compared to a rock star.
i will explain:

the 'rock stars' of today are treated as social pariahs by those who deem themselves 'moral'
they make statements which go against the 'norm'
or freaks, as most people call those who are different.
they push the limits.
people identify with 'rock stars'.
people follow them.
people look up to them.
jesus christ was a rock star.
jesus christ went around saying he was the 'son of god'.
he made some pretty radical statements.
he went against the norm.
travelled around and 'performed' for audiences.
people followed jesus.
people still follow jesus.
he was not only shunned by those who deemed themselves 'holy'
but he was killed by them.
jesus christ was a rock star.
if someone was going around today claiming they were the 'son of god' we would say they were crazy.
we would lock them up.
they would become a social pariah.
"god had one son and thats jesus"
says who?
if god is the almighty, if god answers to no one,
then who's to say how many 'children' s\he is to have?
our society crucifies those who go against the norm.
what many people dont understand,
is that the whole point of the story of christ is not that he died for our sins, but that we sinned by killing him.
he didnt die a noble death.
he was killed the same way they killed rapists and murderers.
his death showed what 'society' does to 'freaks'
we're still doing it
we're essentially no different then we were two thousand years ago.

1994 was the year of music that defined how I listen to music today. I dont think that popular music has been as good as it was in that year. Its too bad.

{Monday, May 24}
Life happens when you're least expecting it.

{Friday, May 21}
If you're going to call me to tell me your internet doesnt work, or you cant get your email, or you're having this problem with your Windows/Mac operating system, I really dont care. I might pretend that I care, and say how "anxious" you must be and how "I can certainly help you with that", but its all lip service. Really, I honestly dont give a shit. Your insipid little problems do not affect my life in any way. Whether we fix your issue or not I will get paid. I dont care if you want to switch to another provider because you're too stupid to follow my instructions, or your internet has gone down twice in the past year. I dont care if you feel that you should get more than what you've paid for. It isnt going to come out of my pocket, and you're not making me feel bad.

Yes, if you dont know what operating system is on your computer, you are an idiot. Saying "it worked fine before" does not mean that it is working fine now. It is not working and that is why you called me. Dont argue. Dont tell me you're computer illiterate and then try and tell me that the steps Im trying to get you to follow are not going to work. If you dont know what it means to "right click", sell your computer. If you cannot follow simple instructions, have someone else call in. It is not the responsibility of your internet service provider to walk you through installing your new digital camera. If you dont know that, you shouldnt own a computer, or a digital camera.


Today is Boyfriend's birthday. He's 22. Tomorrow is our anniversary. We'll be together for three years.

{Tuesday, May 18}
Gah. I'll quote the article for those who dont want to read it:

"It was Bush's father who, as president in 1992, signed the law that turned Monroe Elementary into a national landmark.
Now the younger Bush comes to Kansas, a state he won comfortably in 2000, seeking to connect with the nation's black voters in his focus on civil rights."

Now, answer me this. How can he say that he has a "focus on civil rights" when he wants to ammend the American Constitution to prevent gay people from getting married? Exactly.

{Saturday, May 15}
I dont even know where to start. Work has me quite irate lately because I am a DSL tech, but they continuously flip us into the Dial queue to take Dial calls. Why? Because not enough Dial agents show up to do their jobs. At one point there were around 18 Dial agents who called in sick so they had to flip us into Dial to handle the calls that were coming in. It would be totally different if I were coming to work, expecting to be in deep in my own queue, but no... I have to come to work to do other people's jobs. Every DSL agent that I talk to seems to be as irate about it as I am. Even supervisors dont agree with it, but you know how that works.

I do have thoughts on the whole Abu Gharib pictures/Nick Berg killing, but I'll save that for a day when I have more time, and less morons.

Oh, and there are some other tidbits which I dont have time to bitch about here and here.

{Friday, May 14}
What is your emo band name? by spiralinghalo
Your band name is:The Tide of the Guitar
You sound like:Ani DiFranco
You will be signed to:Equal Vision Records
Your emo lyrics are:"Eat your meat and dairy products as I cry and starve to death"
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

{Monday, May 10}
I was warned, but I did it anyway. Sorry Sue, he dragged me to see Van Helsing even after you said how bad it was, and you were 100% right. The movie was really disappointing. It would have impressed twelve to fourteen year old kids *maybe*. And it had so much potential too, sad really...

Mom's home! She even bought us stuff. My brother and I each got a couple of shirts and a pair of shorts, and she even bought Boyfriend a t-shirt. Oh, and for Mother's Day, I got her a new purse (she desperately needed one), and my brother got her a bottle of her high-end shampoo (its expensive). She was thrilled.

Tomorrow (well *technically* today) is my brother's 19th birthday. We're all going to the casino for supper. Their food is soooo good, and even though its expensive, the portions are decent, so it makes up for itself.

Oh, and I despise the new look of the Blogger website.

{Saturday, May 8}
There's so much to talk about, but I dont even know where to start. Well, the dipshit who wrote the Sasser worm should be strung up and stoned IMO. Those of us who do tech support are being bombarded with morons who for some odd reason refuse to do windows updates, and are surprised when they get worms. Really now Gunther, lets rub those two brain cells together and maybe we'll come up with a clue. *shakes head*

Im rather excited for the summer movie season. Movies I have lined up to see so far are: Van Helsing, Spiderman 2, Troy, King Arthur, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and most of all Shrek 2,. If I were to see all of those movies in theatre it would cost a fortune, so I'll probably make it a point to see a bunch of them at the drive-in. Shrek 2 was supposed to open on Boyfriend's birthday, but it was moved up 2 days to May 19th instead. Regardless, we've made plans to go see it on our anniversary since it was the first movie we ever saw together. I think its kind of like we've come full circle if that makes any sense. Nonetheless I hope its a good movie. I doubt it'll be as good as the first one, but sometimes movies surprise you.

Mom's coming home from Ontario on Sunday and I still have no idea what Im getting her for Mother's Day. Im absolutely stumped for ideas. I might go look at the kitchen stuff at Wal*Mart tomorrow after work and see what I can find there. My brother's no help either, he bought her a bottle of her grey-hair shampoo so he's set. Arsehole. Now I have to think of something different. She didnt ask for anything either, so that's no help whatsoever. Hrm..

My brother's birthday is on Monday. He wants to go to the casino because he'll finally be nineteen (legal in Canada) and you cant get in there unless you're of age. We wont be doing much gambling, the restaurant is awesome, and we'll play some slot machines and that'll be it. I havent gotten him anything yet. Boyfriend said he'd give me a deal if I picked up shirts at his store. He said there's shirts there that are my brother's style, so I'll have to take a run in on Monday and have a look.

Gas prices are 93.9 cents per litre. It makes me want to throw up. I though 86.9 was bad. I remember back when it was 65.9. Luckily I drive an Echo and its awesome on gas. I just cant be driving it around wasting gas.

Oh, I got my computer fixed. Actually we got another hard drive put in it and they reloaded windows for us. Now it actually works, AND there's enough room to actually download music. Finally. I missed the sale on burners though, and it was during the time that my computer was in the store too. I could have gotten a burner for $39 + installation! I didnt find out about the sale until later that night after the store would have been closed. I was a little non-pleased to tell you the truth. I hate having to depend on Boyfriend to burn me cds. I'd like to be able to come home from work and get a cd burning while Im eating or watching tv or something. *sigh* Perhaps I'll splurge during the summer.

Anyway, Im off to bed.

{Saturday, May 1}
Remind me not to stay out until 5am on a regular basis. I had a really good time last night and everything, but 4am would have been better for me. Im not complaining though. Not too often do I get to go out with the girls and have a good time. We'll be doing it again next month, twice actually. Birthdays are great :)

I dont have to be back at work until Wednesday. Im loving that. Mom's going to Ontario tomorrow for a week, but I'll be at work for most of that week. I have no idea what Im going to get her for Mother's Day though. *taps head* Think, think think.

its all a beautiful blur

I am a twenty-seven year old Canadian girl. This is my blog.

Skin and tragedy always attract a crowd. (June 18th, 1976 by Pedro the Lion)

I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd
Cause these words are my diary screamin' out aloud
And I know that you'll use them however you want to.
(Breathe (2am) by Anna Nalick)

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