its all a beautiful blur

{Sunday, December 3} Oh what a day.
So Thursday I noticed a little irritation "down below", which turned into a bit of swelling on my right inner labia before day's end. It didnt hurt or anything, so I didnt get all freaked out, I just figured I'd give it time to go away on its own. Friday, it was a bit uncomfortable, and a bit more swollen, but I survived the day no problem. Friday evening I decided that if it wasnt better by Sunday, I was going to the ER to get it looked at.

This morning I got up and I was sore. Walking to the bathroom, I realized there was no way that I could go shopping with Corrine for the afternoon like this so I decided to get a shower and see from there. My shower turned into a bath (and I never take baths) to see if soaking it would be any help. No. No, it was not. I was in that much pain when I got out of the shower I was in tears. I tried calling Corrine to tell her, but they were still in bed. I knew I had to go to the ER today so I went upstairs to see if my mother was awake. She was not. Back downstairs I go and get dressed and by this time my mother was awake so I tell her what's going on and she gets in the shower so we can go to the ER. While I was waiting for her I called my boyfriend in tears because I was in so much pain and I needed to hear a comforting voice (and I wasnt going to harass Steve's house waiting for Corrine to get up). Rin called while I was talking with him and I filled her in on what was going on so that she wouldnt think something really bad had happened, and then headed off with Mom to get this dealt with.

Now we went to the Regional hospital because I didnt want any of the doctors at the local hospital poking about with my girlie bits, so we were prepared to spend the entire day there. It was rather surprising, it only took me about forty minutes to see the triage nurse, and then another hour to actually get into the ER. Not bad for a hospital where I've waited six hours before. Nonetheless, once we actually got into an examining room inside the ER it barely took ten minutes for the doctor to come in. He introduced himself and asked me the basic questions, like when did I first notice it, and does it hurt when I pee. He then gave me the good news that what I had wasnt anything major, just an abscess (or a boil as my mother calls them). He gave me the options of soaking in the tub twice a day and letting the thing go away on its own, or getting it frozen and drained there, and then soaking twice a day to let it finish healing. You can guess what I chose.

I agreed to letting him do what he needed to while I was there. Afterall, I didnt drive for half an hour, and wait the better part of two, just to go home in the same condition I was in when I left the house. The doctor explained to me that it was going to pinch when he stuck the needle in (its a delicate area already, he specified) and then burn as the anesthetic was put in, but once it was frozen I'd be fine, and then left the room to get something. At this point the nurse (male doctors need to have female nurses present when examining girlie bits) stressed that it was going to burn and that I was free to use any four letter expletives I needed to, for it could not be worse than what they hear from the drunks on the weekends.

The procedure itself wasnt that bad. When he was originally prodding it to see where exactly it was sore and how big the thing was, now that hurt like a motherfucker. When he was sticking me with needles, and inserting the anesthetic, that didnt hurt as much as they made me expect. When he stuck the bigger needle in to the thing to drain the pus, that hurt. It only hurt for a moment, but it still hurt. Once he filled one needle, he just squeezed more out with his hands, which I was thankful for because it hurt less, and then he was done. If you want the gory details, the abscess was about the size of a grape, he told me, and he drained out one full millilitre of pus, besides what he squeezed out manually. That, to me, is a huge thing to have attached to your girlie bits!

After he was finished he advised me to sit in the tub twice a day for ten minutes for the next few days and I'll be fine. I was just glad to be able to walk almost normally, I wasnt worried about the next few days. I was rather upset that I had missed out on going shopping with Corrine (it is somebody's birthday on Monday and I need to get a gift), and I knew I still wouldnt be in any condition to go out drinking with KW, and my boyfriend and his friends. Oh well, there will be other weekends. I should be myself tomorrow though, I'll go shopping then.

Funny thing, apparently these abscesses are somewhat common. My mother gets them, and I was talking to KG online when I got home and she told me that she's had one. And at the ER the nurse in the room told me that I was the second one that they had seen today! That surprised me. Nothing actually causes them, they just happen, and once they're drained (or popped if they're little) they go away. Hopefully I wont see this as a reoccurring thing. It was dreadful.

On a better note, my boyfriend has gotten to spend time with his son twice this past week, and he will get to see him more regularly from now on. Its just a temporary agreement right now, but he should have a court date soon, and then the courts can finalize everything and make it official.


Blogger furmommy said...

im glad that you are ok. Corrine told me tonight at work. I was really worried.

Quick question, are we going to swap christmas gifts this year? I figured we are, but i thought i would check first.

Oh and if you can, come down for cake on monday!!

And can i say how happy i am that your boyfriend got to see his son. I hope he gets to see more of him. I will cross my fingers for him.

Sunday, December 03, 2006 2:21:00 a.m.  

Blogger eye candy said...

I was all worked up and terrified yesterday, especially when I was talking to Corrine in the morning, but looking back it wasnt a big deal. I was tender for the rest of yesterday, but today my girlie bits seem to be fine. If it happens again I'll be able to handle it. Thanks for your concern though :)

I had planned on getting something for you for Christmas. Well, not getting per se, more like making. If I ever get the time to do so, that is, lol.

Oh, what time is cake tomorrow. I forget what time Im working until (the latest would be 7pm) and I was just wondering if I had time to get home first, or just go straight to your house.

Sunday, December 03, 2006 9:16:00 a.m.  

Blogger furmommy said...

I understand the whole terrified that something is wrong with girlie parts completely. I went through it only with my boob. Its just scary when you dont know.

i found the perfect gift for you and i thought i should check before i go and get it. So yay!!

As for cake, we have no set time, just after supper sometime. So drop down whenever you get the chance. If you want, give me a call when your leaving work to see if were ready for cake yet. This reminds me, i must post that for everyone.

Sunday, December 03, 2006 12:04:00 p.m.  

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its all a beautiful blur

I am a twenty-seven year old Canadian girl. This is my blog.

Skin and tragedy always attract a crowd. (June 18th, 1976 by Pedro the Lion)

I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd
Cause these words are my diary screamin' out aloud
And I know that you'll use them however you want to.
(Breathe (2am) by Anna Nalick)

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