its all a beautiful blur

{Sunday, November 19} And voila! No hangover.
I hate this. I was up until 3:30am, drunk, and I still cannot sleep past 10am. So much for sleeping away my Sunday morning. *huff* Anyway, as always, before I get into my issue, I'll give some backstory. I was out with some friends from work last night, and we started at the pool hall and moved on to the bar next door to work. The bar essentially sucked, the band was country which turned me off right away, but we stayed for a while and hung out on the upstairs balcony and talked. Well, until I got upset that I kept missing my boyfriend's calls*, not realizing my phone was on silent rather than vibrate. When I finally got a hold of him I somehow got it in my head that I should go back to the pool hall, where he and his friend were, and basically tore out of there.

I get to the pool hall and he's after being told to not allow me to have any more liquor. This is where I get annoyed. I do not get falling down drunk at all, I know when to stop, and I did not appreciate being told that I was not allowed to have any more alcohol. I felt like he was treating me like a child and eventually I got really pissed and sat down next to Ryan with a face on. It was during this time that he got into it with another girl who was there and chewed her out completely (the aforementioned drama). What got me about that was her boyfriend was standing next to me while my boyfriend was chewing her out, and never opened his mouth. I think I'd be pissed at Frankie if he didnt back me up or stand up for me in a situation like that.

Nonetheless, after that whole incident I was still being all pouty in my chair and he spent the next little while apologizing profusely about telling me what to do, and at first I wouldnt go get another drink just to be spiteful but then Pat was offering to buy me a drink because he was going to the bar anyway. Looking back, I should have saved myself the $5 and let Pat buy me the drink, but I handed him my money and told him what I wanted, and actually ended up splitting the drink with Ryan. I usually tend to share my drinks around once I've had a couple.

I really enjoyed hanging out with the work crew. Trev and I agreed that it has got to happen again, only next time we should all start drinking somewhere together and then go out. I cant wait already.


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its all a beautiful blur

I am a twenty-seven year old Canadian girl. This is my blog.

Skin and tragedy always attract a crowd. (June 18th, 1976 by Pedro the Lion)

I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd
Cause these words are my diary screamin' out aloud
And I know that you'll use them however you want to.
(Breathe (2am) by Anna Nalick)

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