its all a beautiful blur

{Saturday, July 29} You're so vain, I bet you think this song is about you, dont you?
Disclaimer: the following rant is my opinion and does not reflect any one particular person or couple, especially you. Despite me welcoming honest debate on all of my posts, dont bother flaming, I delete those.

I swear, If you ever hear me say that the person Im dating completes me, I give you all permission to take me out behind the shed and put me out of my misery. Although, you will probably never experience me being that needy or gaggy. I just, guh, couples like that make me want to throw rocks. If you're in love with your partner, and your partner makes you want to be a better you, more power to you. If your partner makes you feel great about yourself, fantastic! If you say your partner completes you, I may or may not throttle you. See, its like this: if you say your partner completes you, it automatically infers that you were not a whole person to begin with. If you were not a whole person to begin with, what did you have to bring into a relationship other than desperation? Wouldnt the relationship be more fulfilling if both parties came into it as whole people, and simply made each other better? I will be the first to admit that I have esteem issues stemming from my appearance, but I refuse to let that force me to be desperate for a guy to love me. I cannot just sit around and only be satisfied with myself when I have a guy's attention.

Maybe that is why Im still single, but if a guy can only be with me when Im emotionally dependant, I would rather be single. Besides, I am far too emotionally detached to actually get that desperate. I admit it, I am slow to allow my emotions to enter into a relationship (sex is just sex), and Im always emotionally reserved in order to protect myself. Its easier to not get hurt that way. Granted, it is something that needs working on, but I wouldnt want to change that completely. I refuse to give a guy my everything unless, and until, he proves himself worthy. This could take years, but if the person is worth it, I am okay with that. See, the reason for this is because, despite my emotional issues, I am still a whole person. I can enter into a relationship saying "I dont need you" because I dont. I am satisfied being single despite society telling me it is bad. (It is not bad to be okay being alone. You are worth something if you are not dating anyone.)

Im obviously not a very romantic person. Well, no, scratch that. I try not to abide by romantic ideals, and the thought of a white knight riding in on his steed to rescue me from myself is just too romantic. I know that I need to make myself happy before I can make someone else happy AND I need to make myself happy before I can expect anyone else to do the same. Therefore, a lover, or a boyfriend, or a husband will never complete me. They will compliment me when I've completed myself.


Blogger furmommy said...

well said. I agree.

a person needs to find themself before they can brind anyone else into their life. And i dont believe how someone can complete you. I understand someone playing a very important part in your life, but not complete you. It was just a cliche line used in a very popular movie.

you said it best in the reply to my post.

mind you, i have no problem saying that chris "is the one for me". But i say it cause i know that regardless of what we go through, i want to spend many years of my life with him.

Sunday, July 30, 2006 1:24:00 a.m.  

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its all a beautiful blur

I am a twenty-seven year old Canadian girl. This is my blog.

Skin and tragedy always attract a crowd. (June 18th, 1976 by Pedro the Lion)

I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd
Cause these words are my diary screamin' out aloud
And I know that you'll use them however you want to.
(Breathe (2am) by Anna Nalick)

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