its all a beautiful blur

{Tuesday, January 17} 06.01.17
Some days I seriously hate how my brain operates. I have been excited about painting my bedroom for how long? At least a week now. I've purchased all of my paint and painting accessories. I have even gone out today and spent way too much money on matching throw pillows for my bed to replace the Winnie The Pooh ones because, hey, I am going to be 25! I even went so far as to take all of the movable furniture out of my room and get about 87% of it taped off for the painting. I came downstairs after watching Dead Like Me to tidy up some stuff before I came to bed and a wave of dread came over me as I walked into the bedroom. "What am I doing? What if I dont really want this? Am I ready? Is it too soon? OMG CHANGE!" all went through my head. I wanted to smack myself. Seriously, I just wanted to look myself in the face and yell "JENNA GET A GODDAMN GRIP YOU'RE ONLY PAINTING YOUR ROOM!" only I couldnt do that because my mirror has been temporarily moved to the bathroom. I get to watch myself pee! But really though. Am I seriously crazy? Should I be this afraid of change that I question whether or not to repaint my bedroom? If I can have second thoughts about something like this, how the hell am I ever going to get anywhere in life?

There are some things that I have come to accept about myself. I am okay with routine. Routine is good. I am comfortable being an OCD eater even when I am out in public. I can tell people "No, I have to do it this way" and laugh when they roll their eyes at me because they just dont understand. I have learned to accept the things that I cannot do. I cannot touch certain things. I cannot reach out to people, no matter how much I want to. Scratch that last one, I hate that about myself. I hate having to wrestle with myself about even asking people, friends even, out for coffee. I have to muster up courage to do things like that. Obviously if I cant ask friends to do things, I'll never be able to ask a boy out, that is putting too much on the line. I was out of that place for a while, but I seem to be creeping back there again and I hate it.

Maybe I need counselling.

Oh, who am I kidding, I would never be able to verbalize any of this shit. My coping mechanisms include taking (emotional) things and putting them away inside my head. I internalize everything even though I know that is not good. There was a time where I would take things out on myself physically, but we wont talk about that. Its like, the more I need people around me, the more I withdraw into myself. I dont like to burden people wiht my issues. Especially when I know other people have issues that are worse than mine are. But, when Im home, alone in my room I have nothing else to do than to dwell and make everything into a bigger deal than it already is, in turn pushing myself further and further inside. Its a vicious circle. I have periods where I get really social and go out all the time and have a blast, then I can start actually asking people to do things. Then I have cycles where I spend most of my free time alone, and start all this crap all over again.

Im probably rambling, and I hate when I ramble. Im going to bed.


Blogger furmommy said...

its taken me a while to post this. But this post is like a mirror that im looking into.

The circumstances are different. Yes, thats true. But i feel the same way.

Im scared of small changes, i always have been. so now im a mess.

to ask people out for coffee, is still i big step for me. I find it hard to even start convos on messenger. I rarely do.

i still hold stuff back. Lj is just the parts of me that im willing to admit. I hold back so much. Id rather hide and wait for it to end. Most wouldnt think that when they read my lj, and maybe only chris and angela might really have the best idea of how closed off i really can get when i need it the most.

but i guess i should get to the point, which is, its not just you.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006 2:37:00 a.m.  

Blogger eye candy said...

I can honestly say that if I were in your position I would be terrified. Even taking the verbally abusive parent out of the picture (I think there's one in every house), I would still be terrified to move out. Its a big step, and I think you're being stronger about it than I would be. I admire you for that. I know that I hold myself back because I am so afraid. I find a comfortable place and I stay there. Comfortable, though, isnt always the best thing, as evidenced by how long I stayed with my ex.

When he and I were first together I used to go to him when I was upset with things. Toward the end though, there was no point, he was no support for me at all, he was in it for what he could get out. At that point I turned to nobody, just inside. I have even noticed that I dont even blog frequently when I am depressed. I seriously wonder sometimes if Im a headcase.

I feel relieved, though, to know that its not just me.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006 11:29:00 a.m.  

Blogger furmommy said...

Its a big step, and I think you're being stronger about it than I would be. I admire you for that.

I dont feel strong at all. i sit here and think, "shes gotta be talking about someone else." I feel like im a baby because i cant get over it yet. Some nights i still cry about the fact that im leaving here. Like bawl my eyes out. i still feel like a kid. this has been the only thing ive ever known. I feel like i havent grown up enough to be ready to move out.

Then again, i always felt like i was behind. For years i was sure that i had an actual problem where i just didnt process thoughts at the same level of those around me. Maybe i still do. I feel mentally "slow" or just mentally slower than others. Well that and i always thought little of myself. My self esteem was next to nothing. It always has been. Its only gotten a bit better as of late. But that is in part to the great support systems that i have established over the years.

change is meant to be scary. But i hate that first step. Im fine if i can get a couple steps in. We all face it some way or another. i faced it before. ill face it again. But it will always scare me.

Going back to school i was the same way. I was terrified, yet i wanted it so bad. Yet im back at square one, again as i get ready to go into the next part of my life.

i think we have to admit, our parents were right, we should have cherished our youth. And enjoyed it more. Thats not saying that i want to go back to high school, but i think i would take that, then to have to make all these decisions. This new stuff is so daunting to me.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006 4:40:00 p.m.  

Blogger eye candy said...

I feel like i havent grown up enough to be ready to move out.

You hit the nail on the head with that. I dont feel like it has a whole lot to do with maturity level either.

I have a tendancy to feel inadequate. Whether it be physically (self-image), or mentally, I feel inadequate as compared to other people. Another reason I tend to lock myself in my cocoon when facing challenges.

Its funny you mentioning cherishing our youth. The other day I was thinking about how I never really believed the phrase "Youth is wasted on the young" until lately.

Thursday, January 19, 2006 10:05:00 a.m.  

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its all a beautiful blur

I am a twenty-seven year old Canadian girl. This is my blog.

Skin and tragedy always attract a crowd. (June 18th, 1976 by Pedro the Lion)

I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd
Cause these words are my diary screamin' out aloud
And I know that you'll use them however you want to.
(Breathe (2am) by Anna Nalick)

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