Kay, so yeah, Im addicted to The Game. I finished the trial today and I really want to play the full version. JB said that he'd burn it for me if I gave him CDs, he just had to make sure that the copy that he already burned actually worked. If not I might splurge on myself and buy myself the game. Its kickass, if you like those kind of games.
Something that I always wonder when I look at my stats is how people find me. Yes, it will tell me if there was a link clicked to direct someone here, but if someone came from my Blogger profile, or my LiveJournal profile, or Googled me, or didnt click on a link to get here at all, it leaves me curious. Im not complaining, mind you (I actually think its way too cool when I get hits from outside of my area), if I minded people reading then I wouldnt be doing this at all. I just get curious as to how people stumble upon me. Such is the Inter Webs, I suppose.
{Friday, November 25}
05.11.25 x3
Christophe said...
Saturday, November 26, 2005 6:31:00 p.m.
eye candy said...
Sunday, November 27, 2005 7:52:00 a.m.
Christophe said...
I got here via your comments on SGR blog and it's been strangely addictive ever since.
Best Regards,
eye candy said...
Strangely addictive ...that amused me :)