its all a beautiful blur

{Wednesday, September 14} 05.09.14

Thoughtful arent I? But, yeah, today was one of those days that I wished I did not have a uterus. I was fine when I got up and went to work this morning. Sometime after I signed onto my phone, I started getting slight pains in my abdominal region. No, more like a twinge, where my right ovary would be. Nothing I couldnt handle, right? The pain hit me about the time I went for my first break. OH MY GAWD THE PAIN. I never get pain like that. I was in absolute agony. Honesly, I was convinced that my entire uterus was going to fall out of my body it was that bad. I got two Tylenol Ultra from a woman at work and they did sweet fuck all for me, when normally two extra strength Tylenol would be fine. Agony.

So as soon as I got on my lunch I went to the drugstore and got myself a bottle of Tylenol Ultra and took two more, then I got a bowl of soup from Horton's and went back to work. It was probably an hour later that I started feeling any kind of relief, and I only think it was because I ate. I was good for probably four or five hours, and then I started getting a little pain again. Nothing like what it was originally, but its bearable.

Now, my back wasnt as sore as it has been the last couple of days that I was at work, but it was sore tonight, I think as a result of everything else going on. What surprised me tonight was that by 8pm or so my right wrist had a burning pain that bad I didnt know if I could handle it. I think Im getting carpal tunnel in that wrist. I mentioned it to Mom when I get home and she agreed that it was possible.

She also couldnt understand why I was cramping so badly today. Her reaction was "When the hell does that ever happen to you?", because its true, my period never, ever bothers me. It might have to do with the fact that I went a number of months without it when my relationship was coming to an end. Now, I know that's not healthy, but I knew I was under a lot of stress at the time, and I LIKED not getting my period. Really, I did.

So, obviously my body's falling apart. Since Tylenol was doing SFA for me today I asked Mom if she had any muscle relaxers that I could take, and she gave me two Flexerol. She told me to take one now, and the other one in the morning if I needed it. She didnt think that it'd make my pain go away, but even if it doesnt, I'll at least be too stoned to give a shit.


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its all a beautiful blur

I am a twenty-seven year old Canadian girl. This is my blog.

Skin and tragedy always attract a crowd. (June 18th, 1976 by Pedro the Lion)

I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd
Cause these words are my diary screamin' out aloud
And I know that you'll use them however you want to.
(Breathe (2am) by Anna Nalick)

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