its all a beautiful blur

{Friday, August 19} 05.08.18 and a half
Other than the "Jason grabbed my ass" incident last night, the party was fun. I was drunk after a cooler and a half. Wrecked after two and a half. I drank my four though. Im sooo glad that Amy and Kim came, they're hella fun to drink and hang out with! Too bad that Susan is out in the sticks and cant partake in our fun and debauchery. Plus, they brought sausages! And rice krispie squares! And cookies!!

I did not hook up with Dustin. One of the girls at the party said to me "He wants you" (cuz you know, he's so subtle about it) and I kinda nodded at her that I knew, cuz he was sitting not to far from me, and she gave me this wise advice: play hard to get. I just agreed with her while thinking "Dont worry, Im going to be playing damn near impossible to get". I do not want to hook up with Dustin, but I knew that once I had alcohol in me it would be hard to say no because Im in need of smoochins, and I like the attention. I like the attention. I think Im a cock-tease. I must point out though, I do not like attention from my friend's boyfriends, nor do I look for it. Especially the touching my ass kind.

As much as I really dont care to hear it, people keep keeping me updated on the goings on of my ex-boyfriend. Really, I dont care what he's doing now. I care what Im doing now. Nonetheless, I must share this bit of information about his mother. Apparently she keeps going up to Jason at the bar and going on about how much the XBF is messed up over the breakup and whatnot, and "basically trying to pump me for information" according to Jason. This is sad, for two reasons. His mother is playing the "pity me" card while he's, you know, moved on. And really, there's no information about me to pump for. LIKE OMG SHE'S HAPPY WITH HERSELF!!! Did you see that? That was me rolling my eyes.


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its all a beautiful blur

I am a twenty-seven year old Canadian girl. This is my blog.

Skin and tragedy always attract a crowd. (June 18th, 1976 by Pedro the Lion)

I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd
Cause these words are my diary screamin' out aloud
And I know that you'll use them however you want to.
(Breathe (2am) by Anna Nalick)

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