its all a beautiful blur

{Tuesday, August 19}
With all the relationship troubles that I've been having lately it got me thinking about relationships.

There's a couple that I know. I used to be really good friends with both of them. They started going out about 6 months ago and since then they've cut all ties to any of us. They get invited places and ALWAYS say no. He doesnt go anywhere with "the boys" and she's got no contact with me and makes no effort to even reply to any emails I've sent her about going places and doing things. From where I stand (and there are many who agree with me) she's a stuck up two faced bitch and he's a pansy assed pussy whipped little weenie.

Fuck them.

As frusterated as I get with my own relationship there's nothing that makes me more pissed off than a couple who is that naive. No relationship is perfect. Its natural to fight. What's not natural is to only want to spend your time with the other person. You will eventually at some point get sick of spending ALL of your free time with him/her. You need the companionship of other females/males. You NEED to have breathing room. By only spending time with each other in the first few months of the relationship you do nothing but push everyone else away. Most people take hints quickly. If you act like you're too good to be around the people you used to thrive with before, now that you've got a significant other, than those people will not be waiting for you when you decide you need your breathing room. Those people will only be there to kick dirt at you when you fall flat on your face running from the "perfect" relationship you had and tripping on reality along the way.

Grow up.

Dont throw *everybody* away because you found one person. That one person isnt going to replace everyone else. Sure its natural to lose people along the way, losing people is not the same as deciding you're better than everyone else. It will always come back to bite you in the ass.

I was best friends with a girl for like 5 years and she started dating a guy and was in love with him right away, the whole sappy sickening story. Her and I stopped talking not long into her relationship with him because he was away and she was jealous of my relationship. As soon as my boyfriend went back to school she wanted to be friends again. A couple of months later her and her boyfriend got engaged and she decided that she didnt need friends anymore, she had a "fiance". Well, that was over a year ago and since then they've had a baby and stopped being engaged. She's still got no friends, and I've heard on more than one occasion that he's been keeping another girl's company in a nearby town. Sometimes I feel sorry for her, being stuck home with a kid and no friends, but she brought it on herself.

The people you push away, are never waiting for you when you fall on your ass. But some people need to learn those lessons the hard way.


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its all a beautiful blur

I am a twenty-seven year old Canadian girl. This is my blog.

Skin and tragedy always attract a crowd. (June 18th, 1976 by Pedro the Lion)

I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd
Cause these words are my diary screamin' out aloud
And I know that you'll use them however you want to.
(Breathe (2am) by Anna Nalick)

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